This nation was founded on ideas. A set of guiding principles that gave us the
courage and the moral framework to carve a nation out of the wilderness. Among these principles is the Rule of Law.
The Rule of Law is the only framework in which men can exist
together peaceably. If there are no
rights and no certainty then all of economic society collapses. This has happened before, most notably in France .

Thanks to the British influence, the idea is enshrined in
the Constitution and, as John Adams
phrased it, created as ‘a nation of
laws, not of men’. Every elected official
in the Federal Government swears to uphold the Constitution, and by inference,
the Rule of Law.
This adherence to the Rule of Law has served us well. We have displaced the British as the world’s
leading economic and military superpower.
Our respect for these guiding principles has laid the intellectual and
moral ground work for the most productive and wealthy society known to man.
We seem to have lost our way over the past few years. We have lost our adherence to the rule of law
and become a nation under the rule of man.
We can see this everywhere around us:
· The Supreme Court interprets Obamacare to be the
exact opposite of what the words of the law say in order to uphold it.
· When the Democrats want to replace their Senate
candidate in New Jersey
a few weeks before the election because he is clearly going to be defeated,
they simple get a judge to rule that the six weeks in advance deadline required
by state law does not really mean six week, but four weeks.
· When former Democratic Senator John Corzine is
brought to trial for looting a company of over $700 million, the judge simply
rules that stealing his client’s money did not constitute fraud per se, and that the lies that were told
under oath were so blatant that the jury should have seen
for the lies that they were, and therefore Corzine could not be charged with a
· When Muslims around world start protesting because of some stupis YouTube video, the President of the United States calls for the suspension of the First Amendment and then has the filmmaker arrested. We now live in a country where you can be put in jail for violating no laws and doing nothing wrong; you can be dragged out of your home in the middle of the night by the police.
· General Motors is about to go bankrupt, so the government intervenes. Clearly illegal, but it gets worse. When the government restructures the company it violates the rules and give preference to the unions, shafting the bondholders for millions of dollars. When some of the bond holders protested, they were visited by certain government officials who threatened them. They dropped their objections.
We are dangerously close to the end of the Republic.
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