If you think the most important thing to know about Washington and Jefferson is that they owned slaves...
If you think COVID means a you can’t gather at a family funeral and your relatives must die alone, but George Floyd can safely have thousands of mourners at multiple memorials across the country ...
If you think Gay Pride parades don’t create pandemic risk, but Trump rallies do...
If you think Christopher Columbus was a genocidal maniac, but Che Guevara and Mao are cool to wear on your t-shirt...
If you think that police killing 19 unarmed black people is a bigger problem than the thousands of black people murdered each year by other black people...

If you think police are a threat to the public and must be defunded, but that law abiding citizens should not have guns to defend themselves and should just wait for the cops to show up...
If you think wearing a mask is so ineffective against a virus so we had to shut down the entire country for months to prevent a pandemic, but that masks are so effective we must now mandate their use...
If you think demonstrators burning cars and tearing down statues is acceptable, but singing at church is too dangerous...
If you think a demented warlord creating an ‘autonomous zone’, handing out AR15s from the trunk of a car, and summarily executing black children as car thieves is perfectly fine, but a suburban couple defending their home against a threatening mob is evidence of a crime...
If you think flying the Mexican flag on Cinco de Mayo is an expression of national pride and culture, but the flying American flag is a sign of racism, jingoism, and hatred...
If you think the Cheyenne and Lakota conquering the lands around Mt Rushmore is the natural order of things, but the United States conquering that same land is proof positive that the US is corrupt and evil at the core....
If you think ‘mostly peaceful’ protesters gathering in the thousands is perfectly fine, but patriotic Americans watching a 4th of July parade is dangerous....
...You are the problem.
Your hatred of the United States, our history, and the entirety of western civilization is warping your mind and coloring your judgement
You are letting your politics override your common sense and your understanding of facts, epidemiology, history, and fairness.
July 4th is a celebration of the founding of the greatest country in the history of the world. Try harder to appreciate the gift that you have been given.
Try harder to be an American.
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