Monday, November 1, 2021

This Week I Learned...

Joe Biden met with the Pope.  There was widespread criticism that he is not actually Catholic given the many heretical statements he has made that directly contradict the core teaching of the Catholic church, his dubious election to the office, and the rampant sex scandals under his administration.  Some people even said the some of same things about Joe Biden.

Joe Biden met with the Pope while neither wore a mask.  Also, Joe Biden’s press secretary has been diagnosed with COVID despite triple vax and double mask status.  No word yet on if Biden has transmitted COVID to the Pope via his press secretary. 

A pilot says ‘Let’s Go Braves!’ as his Southwest Flight takes off out of Houston.  A reporter mishears it as “Let’s Go Brandon”.  She storms the cockpit and twitter-starts a national political firestorm claiming the pilot represented a terroristic danger.  Members of the fair and unbiased media leapt into action to claim the pilot was likely so deranged that he might fly the plane into the ground based on this statement.  There was a wave of media reports calling for the pilot and the entire crew to be fired.  Also some commentators demanded that the pilots entire family and children be permanently barred from hold jobs due to the risk of radicalization they represent.  Zero reporters actually bothered to ask if it really happened.  It was all fake news, and it exposed who the actual dangerous lunatics are in our society. 

Carbon emissions represent a clear and present danger the future of humanity.  And also 400+ private jets are required to fly all the fancy people to Glasgow to talk about why excessive carbon emissions are a danger, and how you little people need to stop driving cars. 

The Climate Summit people can accurately predict the climate in 100 years.  They are demanding that we all switch to electric cars because of the accuracy of those dire predictions.  Also, they failed to correctly calculate the number of electric car charging stations required at the event, and so many cars attending the Summit were unable to find a place to recharge.   

American Airlines is experiencing ‘bad weather’ resulting in the cancellation of over 2,000 fights.  This has nothing to do with vaccine mandates, and everything to do with bad weather. In unrelated news, American Airline is shocked to learn that the traveling public can see the weather maps that indicate clear skies over 90% of North America. 

The COVID vaccines are being approved for children, the group that is statistically the safest from the effects of the disease.  No discussion of the potential side effects of the vaccine being more dangerous than the disease for this age group is permitted on social media.  In completely unrelated news, new outlets have begun running stories about how “heart attacks in kids are more common that you think” and ‘strokes in children are rare, but you shouldn’t be surprised…”.  These stories are in NO WAY connected to the upcoming wave of vaccines being forced on children despite there being zero evidence that COVID is a threat to children.

The COVID vaccine was approved for children despite the lack of long-term data on the effects because, in the words of one of the approving committee members ‘we have to give it to kids to find out what happens to them’.  In unrelated news, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine remain banned because despite millions of doses being administered over many years around the world, there is not enough data to take the risk of allowing doctors to prescribe that medicine for adults.

Joe Biden fell asleep during the opening speeches of the Climate Summit.   I don’t blame him.  Who could remain conscious for long with all that droning idiocy?

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