Friday, November 12, 2021

Fact Free Legal Hot Takes


There are several ways people are attempting to put Kyle Rittenhouse in jail for murder that need to be exposed for the pure evil inherent in their arguments.

Argument #1: Kyle should not have been there.  This argument is really bad – it grants the Rioters Veto on public life.  This would set up a system where one side of the political spectrum is free to protest, riot, destroy, and loot, but the other side has no right to counter-protest or prevent the destruction of the community.  It is the equivalent of ‘she shouldn’t have worn that outfit in that bar’.  They are arguing that when bad people decide to riot the good people have their rights curtailed or invalidated.    This is deeply flawed thinking.

Argument #2:  Opine sans facts.  Many of the arguments I have seen lie or mislead about every single fact in evidence in the case.  “Kyle brought a gun across state lines to hunt down peaceful protestors and he shot unarmed people who had their hands up”.   This sort of fact-free invective is inexcusable in light of 8 days of testimony and hours of video evidence to the contrary.  It is not constructive to spout lies while demanding justice – you are only making things worse.

Argument #3:  Raaaaacist!  There are people arguing that Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist.  This is not supported by the facts, and many of these people seem to think that Kyle shot a bunch of black people.  This is a tragic situation and dragging race into it when there is zero evidence that shooting three white people was in any way based on racism borders is evil.  We have enough racial grievance in this country without making up fake racism to add to the fire.   

If you are going to make arguments in favor of locking someone up for the rest of their life, at least have the decency to use actual facts and think through the public policy implications of your ideas. 

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