But here it is: Michelle Bachmann and her husband raised 5 biological children and then took in 23 foster children, and the Left and the media are using this fact to attack her.

Taking in foster children, particularly teenagers, is a selfless and beautiful act that should qualify her for sainthood. There are few things in life that are perfectly moral, socially beneficial, and an act of pure love and human kindness; taking other people's children into your home to help raise and protect them is one of these things.
The Left realizes that this act alone raises her likability and morality levels way beyond that of any Democratic candidate. And therefore, this action must be discredited and Bachmann must be destroyed.
It has already started to happen.
She is being questioned in detail about how long she had each child in her home, and whether this rises to the level of 'raising' them. They are trying to play 'gotcha' with the statement that she 'raised' them.
This is low and despicable, and falls into the category of The Politics of Personal Destruction.
She has committed one of the 'random acts of kindness' that leftist bumper stickers are always stumping for, but now the Left wants to count how many minutes she was doing it for so they can demean and diminish her with some semantic argument over the definition of 'raised'.
Fine. Let them nit pick, but with the following limitation: each reporter can ask her one question on this topic for each foster child they have taken into their own homes.
That should settle it.
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