Billy Nye, the science guy, has become Bill Nye, global warming hack.
Here is how he answered to an interview question on CNN:
BILL NYE: The tornadoes very difficult to mathematically connect to climate change, but the rains, the extra warmth in the atmosphere, the extra water vapor in the atmosphere, that’s, those are facts. That’s the real deal. Now, we, we are patriots. We are from the U.S. I am. And you would like the U.S. to be the leader in addressing this problem. We would like to be out in front in trying to deal with whatever it is that’s holding in all this heat and creating all this extra water vapor in the atmosphere. Tornadoes are almost certainly a consequence.
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Let's decompose what he is saying here:
The tornadoes very difficult to mathematically connect to climate change: this translates to "there is no evidence of any connections between tornadoes and global warming". But couched on the passive voice and made to seem like a verbal throw away. But the truth is clear: there is NO EVIDENCE of a connection. If there was a connection, no matter how tenuous, he would be waving is about like a warmist Neville Chamberlain. But he is admitting here that there is ZERO connection.
but the rains, the extra warmth in the atmosphere, the extra water vapor in the atmosphere, that’s, those are facts. : Um, no. Those are not facts. Those are the predicted outcomes of global warming that have NOT been shown to be true. The theory holds these to be true, but the actual climate refuses to cooperate with the theory. Every prediction made by this theory has been wrong or wildly overstated. Look back at every chicken little report for the past 30 years. Not ONE of these predictions has come true. So if we are not seeing the large and measurable predictions come true, then why should we believe the small non-measurable ones?
Now, we, we are patriots. We are from the U.S. I am. And you would like the U.S. to be the leader in addressing this problem. We would like to be out in front in trying to deal with whatever it is that’s holding in all this heat and creating all this extra water vapor in the atmosphere. This blather is all designed to disarm the opponents of global warming. If you don't agree, you must not love your country! It is also designed to create distance between the first statement, and the next thing he says, for reasons you will understand shortly..
Tornadoes are almost certainly a consequence: What?? This is a direct contradiction of what he said in the opening line. This is a complete lie. He already said he has no evidence for this. At all.
So if we re-state this more plainly, and remove all the blather in the middle, it sounds like this:
"There is no evidence that global warming is connected to tornadoes. Tornadoes are a result of global warming."
There. Now that makes more sense!
Fixed that for ya, Bill.