Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Free Speech is a threat to Freedom!

Democracy and civilization itself are under dire threat from a man who wants to buy Twitter in order to reduce censorship and protect free speech.
Elon Musk wants to by Twitter because “I invested in Twitter as I believe in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe, and I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy". This, of course, exposes Musk as a Nazi and evil supervillain due to his support for… *checks notes* …freedom…
The Left claims that Twitter is not biased in their favor at all and also that changing the rules to allow for more free speech ‘will cause WWIII and end civilization’ and also that this would allow Elon Musk to tell people what to believe, which is very dangerous and not right because ‘telling people what to think and believe is our job”. (Note that these are actual quotes.)
Elon Musk, infamous for smoking pot with Joe Rogan, has offered $54.20 her share for Twitter. Note that this price ends in 420…
A Saudi prince billionaire Twitter investor and Board member announced, ‘it is very dangerous for billionaires to control a social media platform’. No word yet if this man has a mirror in any of his 27 residences.
Liberals are outraged that Free Speech should be allowed on Twitter presumably because they have such strong arguments and irrefutable facts to back them up that they don’t have to worry about losing the battle of ideas… Oh. Wait. They don’t want more free speech….. hmmm..
Twitter is fighting back and hired Goldman Sachs to prove that $54.20 per share is an unacceptably low offer. One problem, though. Goldman Sachs most recent rating on Twitter was SELL at $30 per share…
When a billionaire owns The New York Times, Bloomberg, The Washington Post, or The Boston Globe, that’s no problem, you see, because these billionaires would never influence the content or impose personal bias on the news we are allowed to see, but when a pro-Free Speech billionaire wants to buy Twitter for the express purpose of reducing censorship this is an existential threat to Democracy itself!!
The Left has once again exposed themselves as anti-Freedom and opposed to anything that reduces their power to control the narrative.

I Think I Am Sensing a Pattern Here…

Normal American People: Hey, it looks like you might be using the pandemic as an excuse to loosen voting safeguards and tamper with election results by mailing out millions of ballots, using unsupervised ballot collection boxes, ballot harvesting, and conducting secretive ballot counting…

Radical Lefty Democrat: We would never do any such thing.  We are insulted that you would even think so!.  This is ridiculous that you would question the integrity of the vote!  You are undermining faith in election integrity merely by asking the question!

NAP: OK, then you won’t mind if we pass a law saying you must abide by the election rules we had before the pandemic?

RLD:  What?!?  You fascist! You anti-American racist homophobes! You’re destroying democracy!! We must be allowed to mail out millions of untraceable ballots and conduct the counting away from your prying eyes in order to ensure election integrity!!  Minorites can’t be expected to vote without our help! All future elections will be stolen if you demand that ballots be linked to an eligible voter and prevent people from voting more than once!


NAP: Hey, we noticed you’re teaching Critical Race Theory to little children in order to radicalize them into little America-hating, self-loathing communists that will help you destroy Western Civilization.

RLD: We would never do any such thing… Critical Race Theory is an obscure legal theory only taught in college.  We aren’t teaching CRT to school children! 

NAP: OK then… Do you mind if we pass a law banning Critical Race Theory from grade schools?

RLD: What??!?!? You racist, xenophobic, bigoted, clan-hood wearing fascist!!!  Children must learn the true history of America!! The must learn to hate the US as an evil, rotten, disgusting country that needs to be destroyed so that we can rebuild it as a racial justice-based utopia!!  Skin color is the most important thing!!! Your children need to learn to hate themselves!!! You transphobic scuzzball!


NAP: Hey, we noticed that you’re teaching queer gender theory to kindergartners in an effort to normalize your weird fetishes and drive a wedge between children and their parents.  This will allow you to create a generation of emotionally disturbed, sexually perverted Democrat foot soldiers that hate their parents, themselves, and all of civilization.

RLD:  We are not grooming children. This is crazy talk!!  We would never do any such thing! Our curricula are laser focused on reading writing and arithmetic.  We are molding the future of America!!!

NAP: Well, then you won’t mind if we pass a law banning the sexual grooming of kindergartners

RLD:  What??!?!?!   You trans-phobic piece of garbage! Children will die if we’re not allowed to teach them to masturbate in public schools, and they will die again if I’m not allowed to parade my perverse, abnormal lifestyle in front of them!  The future is queer and we are coming for your children!! Children are much more susceptible to programming at this age, and parents have no say in their kids’ education and should stay the fuck out of the classroom!!!

NAP:  Hey, we noticed you’re using social media platforms like Twitter to censor information such as the contents of Hunter Biden‘s laptop thus influencing the outcome of the presidential election.

RLD:  Our algorithms are designed to be evenhanded, fair-minded and they’re only there to prevent hateful comments of the most vile nature… Twitter is deeply committed to freedom of speech!

NAP: Oh, so you won’t mind if Elon Musk buys Twitter just to check and make sure that you’re playing fair

RLD:  What?!?! Insane conspiracy weirdo! Evil, fascist, homophobic billionaires buying social media platforms is the end of civilization as we know it! Allowing actual free speech on a free speech platform is completely against the core mission of Twitter! You have no right to interfere with the narrative!  WE CONTROL THE NARRATIVE!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

No Fly Zone is a Very Bad Idea


The war in the Ukraine drags on and now some people are calling for a ‘No Fly’ Zone to be enforced over the conflict region.

We should be very clear what a No Fly Zone means:  It means World War III.

A No Fly Zone is enforced by shooting down any aircraft that violate the Zone.  Shooting down aircraft and killing the crews is an Act of War.

If NATO attempts to enforce a No Fly Zone it will immediately escalate into open warfare between multiple nuclear-armed nations.  This is a Very Bad Thing.

Here is what No Fly enforcement would look like:

NATO would declare the No Fly Zone. In order to enforce the Zone, you have to put NATO aircraft in the air over Ukraine very close to the front lines.  Backed by AWACs airborne radar, they would fly Combat Air Patrol over the disputed territory. 

Russian aircraft would ignore the rules and continue combat flight operations over Ukraine.  Of course, the Russians have fighter jets too, and they would attempt to protect the bombers, transports and attack helicopters. 

NATO would have a choice: Do nothing and look like impotent morons or shoot down the offending aircraft.  

Shooting down Russian planes would be the first shots of WWIII.

Of course, the disputed territory is also filled with Russian antiaircraft missiles.  Those missiles would be fired at the NATO planes.  NATO would respond with SEAD strikes (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses).  NATO aircraft would directly attack Russian troops on the ground in an effort to knock out the SAM (surface to air missiles) batteries.  THIS IS WWIII. 

Alternatively, NATO could position Patriot missile batteries deep inside Ukraine to enforce the No Fly Zone.   These missile systems would need to be manned by NATO troops because the Ukrainians are not trained to use them.  The Russians, being shot at by SAM’s, would target those positions and attack them.  NATO troops would die.  This is WWIII.

If NATO somehow managed to establish local air superiority over Ukraine, Russia could still target NATO aircraft with long range SAM’s launched from within Russia.  This would force NATO planes to attack Russian soil to suppress those missile batteries. 

WWIII would quickly spread and escalate. 

The US would send a Carrier battle group into the region to allow the Navy to support the effort.  Russian submarines would find that to be a tempting target, and NATO would be forced to start sinking submarines in order to protect the carriers.

Flying combat missions over Ukraine from Poland or Germany would greatly reduce the amount of time the fighters could loiter in the combat zone.  You would need multiple tankers for air-to-air refueling. NATO would increase combat effectiveness by using Ukrainian airbases.  This would require NATO troops on the ground to protect against Russian special forces attacks.

NATO would need to knock out Russian radar sites near the Ukrainian border.  These sites inside The Motherland are well defended and would be very costly to attack.  NATO would resort to cruise missiles to evade and degrade the air defenses.  These weapons normally carry high explosives warheads, but cruise missiles can also carry nuclear warheads.   From the Russian point of view, a wave of cruise missiles crossing the border headed toward Moscow would be indistinguishable from a nuclear first strike. 

The Russians would have 5-15 minutes to decide – is this a conventional strike targeting our air defense network?  Or is NATO launching nukes in an effort to cripple Russia’s nuclear defense capabilities and kill Putin?  Well, comrade, do we launch our nukes, or do we risk nuclear annihilation?  You now have 4 minutes to decide….

And that, folks, is how nuclear wars get started. 

A No Fly Zone is a terrible, awful, no good idea.  Best case scenario it starts WWIII and kills millions.  Worst case scenario it leads to nuclear war and the death of billions, if not the outright extinction of the human race. 

If you are cheerleading for a No Fly Zone, you are cheering for the apocalypse. 


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Something strange is happening in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

 Something strange is happening in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

More specifically, something strange that is NOT happening.
Where is the combat footage?
Where are the cell phone videos and the Go Pro videos that surely exist if 2 modern countries with access to the latest electronics are fighting? Why don't we see a flood of videos showing troops being shelled or returning fire? Where are the sniper videos and the ambush videos?
We see some images of damage. We see abandoned and or damaged vehicles. We see some distant explosions.
Where are the videos of Russian tanks being ambushed? The Ukrainian claim to have knocked out hundreds of tanks, and hundreds more other armored vehicles. Not one Ukrainian thought to pull out a cell phone and record the moment?
Every Russian has a GoPro mounted on the dash of their car for recording traffic accidents. Every Ukrainian girl has a TikTok account with 100k followers that documents every second of their life.
This should be the most well documented war in history.
But we see nothing.
And most of the stuff we do see is obviously not Ukrainian combat footage. Anti-tank missiles being launched with palm trees in the background and dudes shouting in Arabic. "Captured" tanks with a small puddle of burning gas on the hull but no other combat damage.
Something is off here.

WWDD? Flee, of course.


“We are all Ukrainians now!” is the current mania as the brave people of the Ukraine fight for their freedoms. 

Oh really??  I’m not so sure about that.

Only 40% of Democrats would stay and fight for their country event of a foreign invasion (!), according to a new poll.  

Only 68% of Republicans would stay and fight. 

Overall, a just a little more than half of Americans love their country enough to fight for it. 

I am absolutely disgusted by the results of this poll.  

I am disappointed with the Republican answer.  25% of them would flee to another country.

I am disgusted by the Democrats answer.  Only 40% are prepared to give the last full measure of their devotion to save the country that they claim to love.   More than half of Democrats polled (52%) would flee rather than fight.

I see what is happening in this country, a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to proposition that all men are created equal.  I have my doubts whether this nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.


When Democrats tell you that they are patriots more than half of them are lying to you.  Ever wonder why a party would advocate for policies that are so obviously destructive?  Well, now you have your answer.

Why are we electing to positions of power a party that loves this country so little that only 40% would fight for it?