Tuesday, September 28, 2021

You're Not Gonna Like What comes next

There are a lot of people out there trying to divide Americans and undermine the institutions and norms that bind us together.

The family, the church, the schools, the rule of law, Free Speech, free elections, limited government, civil society, and a free press are all foundational elements of our nation.  Destroy enough of them and the whole system collapses.

The church and family collapsed years ago.  Schools have been in a steep decline since the creation of the Department of Education. 

We are currently witnessing the destruction of the rest of our institutions.

The Rule of Law is dead.  When your political affiliation dictates the legal action and outcomes against you we cannot reply on the rule of law.  We have entered the era of the Rule of Men.  This power is fun when your side is in control.  You can look away when the FBI falsifies documents.  You can chuckle when 75 year old Trump associates are raided and railroaded.  You might even grin when the charges are dropped against rioters on your side and the opposing rioters are detained indefinitely without charges.   You might even think that its fun to impeach a President over policy differences while ignoring blatant crimes committed by your favored candidate.  But you won’t like it as much when the tables are turned. 

Free Speech is dead.  The government and Big Tech are conspiring to silence speech they do not like while the traditional defenders of individual liberties cheer them on.  Stories that are damaging to the powerful are squashed.  People that speak out are banned and banished.   

Free elections are on life support. Ballot harvesting, mail in voting, and many other schemes make fraud possible on a scale that was never before possible.  Even if the reports of fraud are overstated, why are the results of audits being hidden?  Where are the records? Why is no one asking questions about statistically impossible voting data?   Losing faith in the election results in fatal to the American experiment.

Limited Government is THE founding principle of the Constitution.  The entire document lays out the limited, enumerated powers of the Federal government.  That concept is dead.  The Federal government has unlimited, arbitrary power.  The IRS decides who gets to organize political groups and who does not.  The CDC decides if landlords can collect rent.  The OSHA decides what medical treatments you must receive.  The government can ‘pass’ laws that no one voted for using parliamentary tricks and legerdemain.    The ATF can arbitrarily change rules to make millions of law-abiding citizens into felons.  The Army Corps of Engineers claims control over every puddle and pond in the country with no legal authority to do so.   The Congress has stopped passing laws and simply votes on massive spending bills that no one can read before they are passed.  The President claims unlimited power through Executive Order.   We live in a dictatorship of the Bureaucracy.

Civil society is on its death bed.  We no longer respect each other.  We no longer see each other as fellow Americans.  We actively hate each other.  The outpouring of invective when people die is appalling.  The fact that some Americans wish other Americans dead simply because they have different opinions.   The institutions that allowed us to come together across political lines are all dead or dying. 

The Free Press is not only dead, its zombie corpse is actively trying to destroy all the other foundational structures in America.   Trust in the press is near zero.  They have  gone from slanting the news to pure propaganda.  They used to influence public opinion by covering certain stories and downplaying others.  Now they simply lie about everything.  From Russia gate, to the Covington School kids, to Kids in Cages, to whipping Haitians, every story peddled by the press is a brazen lie.   They not only do not serve their Constitutional role as a check on political corruption, they are actively aiding and abetting that corruption.  Does anyone honestly believe that Hunter Biden’s paintings  selling to anonymous buyers is not worthy of investigative reporting?

You can’t run a country this way.  The ties that bind us together are broken or severely frayed. 

If you are cheering for the people that are destroying our country, well, you aren’t going to like what comes next. 

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