We had created incredible and horrifying technology and used it for both great good and great evil. We now possessed the capability to end all life on the planet, and there was a great deal of speculation about what was next for humanity.

George Orwell penned a dark and foreboding vision in 1984. He painted a future of war, oppression, propaganda, and government control over everything, including words themselves. His vision was that of a boot, stamping on a human face, forever.

H.G. Wells had his own vision of the future where mankind devolved into two distinct species in The Time Machine. The Eloi are effeminate humanoids who have no cares nor motivations. They simply idle through their days like children in a meadow. The Morlocks, on the other hand, have evolved into dark savages that prey on the Eloi.

Well, it seems that they have all come true.
As mobs of screaming savages destroy statues, and web hosting services delete content they don't like, and our every word is recorded by the 'telescreen' smart phones that we carry about, it is not hard to see that 1984 is upon us. The media guide us from crisis to crisis, with the requisite 2-Minute Hate every time we have a new enemy. History is ignored and deleted while our language is policed in the name of political correctness.
At the same time, we are all drugged and sedated with the endless chemical barrage of Xanax and Adderall while distracted by complicated and spectacular sports. Our society is very stratified, with the intellectual coastal elites at the top, and the feral inner city mobs as the bottom. Genetic designer babies are soon to arrive to complement the birth controlled and viagra'd sex life that we freely enjoy while being smothered in erotic advertising and internet porn. Truly a Brave New World.
Western society has become the Eloi. Weak and effeminate men as held up as the standard while we are disarmed and made dependent on the state and the police for protection. The Middle East and our inner cities, in contrast, are filled with Morlocks, savages who prey on the docile and weakened Eloi. Look at Europe, where Muslim rape gangs are molesting hundreds of women in public, and the Western men do nothing. Women are raped and murdered public parks, and the police respond by telling women not to go out alone.
Horrifyingly, all three of these dystopian futures are coming true. And all at the same time.
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