The Left has won the Propaganda War.
The Nazi's were bad. They are rightly vilified for the mass murder of Jews and others in the holocaust. The swastika will never be seen as anything but a symbol of hatred and evil. Hollywood and the popular culture have firmly established these truths in the American mind.
Nazi's are so evil in our culture that they are the evil bogeyman in most movies and are fetishistically murdered in movies some 75 years after the end of WWII. See Inglorious Basterds, or the Indiana Jones franchise as examples. Even their uniforms are a symbol for evil -- watch Star Wars to see how evil Empire commanders dress in a galaxy far, far, away.

But it turns out that the Communists were more murderous than the Nazi's during the 20th century. They deliberately murdered 30-50 million people in their evil effort to create a communist paradise.
You would never know this by looking that the pop culture. The icons associated with the Reds are perfectly acceptable to wear and display.
You can wear a picture of the murderous sociopath Che Guevara with no one giving you a second glance. You can wave a Soviet hammer and sickle flag, or wear it on your belt, and no one flinched. Try putting Hitler on a T-shirt or wearing a swastika belt.
The Left has been very effective at demonizing the Nazi's and pinning them on the Right. In reality, the Nazi's are socialists. They are National Socialists who opposed the international socialists, ie, the Communists. They are both collective, socialist movements that differ only on how to organize the people. The Nazi's want to use skin color and national identity, and the Commies want to use Class.
The Nazi's and the Communists are equally vile, evil dangerous people with bad ideas and terrible plans for the subjugation of humanity.
Yet everyone is rabidly anti-Nazi, and the Communists get a free pass. And the Right gets tagged as owning the Nazi's, when the opposite is the truth.
The Left has so thoroughly controlled the narrative here, even Republicans like Marco Rubio are conceding the argument when they say that the Nazi's are 100% to blame and they have committed human rights atrocities in the past.
This is equally true of the Communists, but that is not part of the Leftist narrative.
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