Friday, August 25, 2017

Peak Stupidity

We have reached peak stupidity.

The news is so completely stupid now that it is impossible to tell parody from reality.

As Reuters would say... namesake doppelgangers!
ESPN is banning an announcer from a certain game because he is named Robert Lee. 

Apparently his name is too close to Robert E. Lee, the Confederate Civil War general.  Despite the fact that announcer Robert Lee is not named after General Lee, and the fact that announcer Robert Lee is ASIAN, the geniuses at ESPN decided that the most woke thing to do was move him off of the game. 

This is nothing but idiotic virtue signaling --  no one would have even noticed the name if ESPN hadn't drawn attention to it.  ESPN claims it was done to avoid embarrassment and controversy.  Well, they certainly failed on that account. 

In other new, USC is thinking about changing the name of their mascot horse.  It seems that Traveler is too close to Traveller, the iconic name of General Robert E. Lee's horse.  No word yet on the name of Announcer Robert Lee's horse...  This is incredibly stupid.  90% of Americans couldn't name Robert E. Lee's horse if they were asked.  And Zero percent of Americans would have made such a tenuous connection because they sound similar.

Burn Lincoln to show how Woke you are!
Elsewhere, in a frenzy of statuary destruction worthy of Orwell's 1984 or the Taliban, Leftist thugs have been assaulting inanimate objects across the country.  While this is stupid, some folks taking it to the next level by burning and destroying a statue of Abraham Lincoln.  Nothing says you're anti-slavery like defacing a statue of the man who freed the slaves!

 Every news cycle gets stupider than the last...

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