Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Will the Real Racism please stand up?


It has been axiomatic to Democrats for decades that this is a deeply racist country.  The only problem with this idea is the lack of actual racism to support the claim of systemic racism.

So they start making up fake racism to fill the void between the supply and the demand for racism about which to be outraged.

We see this in the never-ending parade of race crime hoaxes.  Jussie Smollett, swastikas painted on doors, nooses on garages and trees, faked attacks on subways, and more, nearly every racist hate crime turns out to be a hoax.  

We also see this when the media insert race into things that have no racial component.

The death of the iconic John Madden provides the loony Democrat Left with the opportunity to manufacture racist tropes out of thin air.

Here we have a college professor scolding us for mourning the passing of Madden because the Madden video game ‘glamorized violence and dehumanized Blacks’ and accuses him of building a ‘digital plantation’.   

This is utter nonsense.  At the time Madden started his career as a coach Blacks represented about 30% of the league.  Today Blacks represents 70% of the players, 19% of the quarterbacks, and salaries have increased 12X.   Sports, in particular the NFL, have been an enormous boon to Blacks. 

Claiming such ridiculous racist grievances only calls into question all of the claims of the Race Grievance industry. It makes us think its all nonsense.

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