Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Will the Real Racism please stand up?


It has been axiomatic to Democrats for decades that this is a deeply racist country.  The only problem with this idea is the lack of actual racism to support the claim of systemic racism.

So they start making up fake racism to fill the void between the supply and the demand for racism about which to be outraged.

We see this in the never-ending parade of race crime hoaxes.  Jussie Smollett, swastikas painted on doors, nooses on garages and trees, faked attacks on subways, and more, nearly every racist hate crime turns out to be a hoax.  

We also see this when the media insert race into things that have no racial component.

The death of the iconic John Madden provides the loony Democrat Left with the opportunity to manufacture racist tropes out of thin air.

Here we have a college professor scolding us for mourning the passing of Madden because the Madden video game ‘glamorized violence and dehumanized Blacks’ and accuses him of building a ‘digital plantation’.   

This is utter nonsense.  At the time Madden started his career as a coach Blacks represented about 30% of the league.  Today Blacks represents 70% of the players, 19% of the quarterbacks, and salaries have increased 12X.   Sports, in particular the NFL, have been an enormous boon to Blacks. 

Claiming such ridiculous racist grievances only calls into question all of the claims of the Race Grievance industry. It makes us think its all nonsense.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Racism? More Cowbell!


When a white guy shoots three other white guys in self-defense, this is proof of systemic racism.   And when three white guys are convicted of murder for shooting a black guy, this is also proof of systemic racism.

When a white guy with no racist social media history kills two white people in Wisconsin, this is evidence that his motive is racism and white supremacy.   When a black guy with a long history of racial grievance posts on social media drives his van into a parade of white people killing 6, this is evidence that it was just a traffic accident.

When a random police officer is on trial for accidentally shooting a black man who was resisting arrest, that trial must be hyped every day in the media and there must be riots and protests.  When a famous socialite is on trial for being a procurer of underage girls for a sex trafficking ring that has many of the world’s most famous people as alleged clients, including former US Presidents, royalty, celebrities, and others, that trial may not be televised nor discussed in the media. 

Over the past 5 years the Democrats have lost their collective minds over Hillary losing the election, Trump-Russia, the ‘stolen’ Supreme Court seat, the Kavanaugh nomination, the Impeachments of Trump and the 1/6 Capitol riots.  They have repeated the same bumper sticker nonsense about this ad nauseum, even as the truth about all of this comes to light.  You may have wondered why they won’t let this stuff go even though all of it are lies or completely debunked. 

This week we learned the answer: There is a case before the Supreme Court that might overturn Roe v Wade.  Democrats are now screaming that the Supreme Court of the United States is illegitimate because Trump appointed 3 rapey religious fanatics as judges while he was a twice-impeached Russian agent who stole the election while inciting insurrection.  The plan all along has been to de-legitimize the Court in the eyes of their supporters who will then endorse riots, impeachments, or court-packing schemes to regain control of the SCOTUS. 

The arguments in favor of, and in opposition to, abortion are intensely felt on both side of the issue.  This week the pro-abortion people argued before the SOTUS that Roe V Wade, though it may have been decided on very weak legal grounds, must be preserved because it is now a long-standing super precedent.   When the justices pointed out that Brown v Board of Education overturned the longstanding super precedent of Plessy V Ferguson, the pro-abortion attorneys implied that the court should have let Plessy stand as the law of the land in honor of the precedent.

For those of you who don’t follow this stuff, Brown is the famous Supreme Court case that said racial discrimination violated civil rights and forced the end of Jim Crow and the racial segregation of schools.  The pro-abortion lawyers seem to be arguing that black people should still be barred from lunch counter and schools so that the Court won’t overturn protections for a procedure that disproportionately kills millions of unborn black babies. 

So the pro-abortion Democrats seem to be arguing that black people should not have equal rights under the law so that they can continue to abort millions of black babies.

Margaret Sanger, the racist eugenicist who founded Planned Parenthood with the explicit goal of reducing the number of black people, is surely smiling up from hell as we speak.