Joe Biden froze in in place in an awkward Beavis pose for an extended period during a nationally televised Town Hall. No one noticed, apparently because it was on CNN, and none of the 7 viewers were actually paying attention.
Dr. Fauci and the NIH funded medical research where they drugged Beagle puppies, tied them down in a cage, and let sand fleas eat their faces while they were still alive. You know, ‘cuz #science. People are more outraged by the torture of a few dogs than they are by the torture of millions of school kids wearing Fauci mandated masks, but either way, Fauci is about to be cancelled.
Alec Baldwin, the extremely outspoken anti-gun celebrity, shot several people, killing one, while on the set of his new movie. Nice to know that Alec thinks guns are too dangerous for regular people and that gun culture is backwards and immoral, but that guns are just dandy as a way for him to make money as he promotes gun culture through his movies. Guns are for the elites, you see, not for the little people.
Joe Biden stopped building a wall at our southern border because ‘walls don’t work’ while making you pay to build a $500k wall around his beach house in order to make it safer for him and his family.
Joe Biden has turned 1.3 million illegal aliens loose in the interior of the country with no COVID tests or vaccine mandates and has also announced that all children of illegal aliens should get free education at your expense , but that you are mandated to get a vaccine, pay higher taxes, and American parent should be investigated by the FBI as a potential terrorist if you express an opinion on what your children are being taught in school.
Joe Biden cancelled an oil and gas pipeline from Canada, cancelled drilling permits, and refused to grant new oil reserve exploration permits. This reduced supply has driven gas prices higher, so Joe is asking Saudi Arabia to increase oil production while Putin is making record profits off of his Biden-approved gas pipeline to Europe. #AmericaLast
With China launching previously unknown hyper-sonic nuclear capable missiles, the Taliban running amok beheading female volleyball players for the crime of playing volleyball and murdering former US interpreters, and North Korea launching long range rockets, the Biden State Department has leapt into action to honor “International Pronoun Day” thus solving all of the world’s problems in a single memo.
Biden continued his legacy of prevarication and dishonesty by claiming that he has visited the US border (he has not) and that he participated in the MLK led civil rights movement (he did not) and claiming spending $3.5 Trillion is ‘paid for’. In unrelated news. Biden's Treasury Secretary proposed a ‘wealth tax’ to pay for Biden’s agenda and Jen Psaki clarified that ‘been to the border’ means ‘went near it during a campaign tour’. No word yet on how ‘the two-party system is good for the Negro’ Joe Biden will be connected to MLK by the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.
While our transportation networks and supply chains are collapsing creating economic havoc across the country, the Secretary of Transportation took a break from hyping high speed passenger trains to take a 3-month unannounced Paternity Leave to help his partner care for their newly adopted children. No word on how Pothole Pete is doing with the chestfeeding and bonding time, but he is expected to be back at work soon. Just kidding. He’s actually going on a speaking tour in support of Paternity Leave.
Parents in Virginia are upset that a transgender kid went into the women’s bathroom and raped little girls on multiple occasions and all of this was covered up by the school and the school board but the Virginia Governor thinks parents should have no say in what happens in schools and Barack Obama thinks the concern over a serial child rape cover up is ‘trumped up fake outrage’, so I guess we have that going for us.
Congrats on another great week, Biden Voters!