Thursday, July 13, 2017

Bill Nye, the Not Science Guy

Bill Nye the ‘science guy’ has embarrassed himself once again. He recently offered this pearl of wisdom on Twitter:

"Science is the belief that you can solve the problem"

Science is a belief?  What??

This is not an incomplete definition of science.  Nor is it a vision that is slightly askew.  
This is literally the exact opposite of science. 
Science is not a belief system at all.  Science is an evidence and process based system.  It is entirely based on facts, logic, evidence and the experimental method.  
When a self-styled ‘science guy’ is this far off in his definition of science, then we know that he is completely mired in religious zealot territory with his thinking. 
I have said for years that Bill Nye has a sham and a hack that did not care at all about real science and evidence.  He is a high priest in the climate change religious cult.  He is a fraud and a huckster.
Bill Nye, the Not Science Guy

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