Sunday, September 24, 2017

#TakeaKnee for Stup-idi-tee

All across the nation, National Football league players are taking a knee to protest injustice, racism, and whatever leftist crap they are spouting.

This is wrong on several levels.

NFL Games are not an appropriate venue for political statements.   The team and the league own the field, the brand, the broadcasts, and every other aspect of the game.  The players have no right to make political, or any other, statements.   Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys has it exactly right when he told his team that this is his property and his team, and that they would be fired if they didn't do what he wanted.

The players are huge hypocrites for taking a stand in this way.  They are standing in one of the most privileged positions in the world -- they are elite professional athletes being paid millions to play a game -- and they are complaining that they are somehow oppressed.   They are also claiming that cops are racist and willing to shoot random black kids, all while basking in the protection of those very same officers. 

The target that they have chosen -- the National Anthem and the US Flag -- are wildly inappropriate for this protest.  Even if we assume that there is some validity to their claims of inherent racism, the Flag is an overly broad target that simply makes them look un-American. 

The United States, for all its flaws, is still the greatest nation in the world.  We offer everyone, whites and minorities alike, the most opportunities to succeed in life.  People from all over the world see this very clearly, hence our massive immigration crisis. 

When privileged elite athletes disrespect the Flag and our National Anthem, they are disrespecting our nation and all the effort and sacrifices that have been made to make this the greatest country in the world. 

Fuck those guys.   Fuck the NFL.  And double fuck Roger Goodell.

They can go play their games with out me.  I won't be watching. 

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